Revenge & More Read online

Page 16

  “No problem. I’ll get it all together.” Kim closed the curtain for Chantal to change feeling envious once again. She was getting some action tonight while Kim would work out her remote control.

  Why hadn’t she heard from Damon? It was almost seven on a Friday evening. He couldn’t still be working. They hadn’t made any definitive plans but she thought she’d see him over the weekend.

  Kim gathered the items for Chantal and wrapped them, trying to brush aside her disappointment.

  She suddenly had a sense of déjà vu and stopped what she was doing. It was twenty years ago and Damon had left Willow Lake for Toronto to find a job with the promise he would be in touch soon. The plan was once he was settled into his new job and found a small apartment, she would move down, too. Screw her parents and their demands.

  But she never heard from Damon again. Neither of them owned cell phones then, so she’d spend countless hours waiting for the house phone to ring, except it never did. The first few days had been like she was feeling at this moment. Excited and on pins and needles waiting to hear from him.

  But after almost a week of no contact, hope started to fade. Then her parents had discovered a bunch of expensive jewelry missing and she knew they suspected Damon, but Kim refused to believe it. When the police confirmed finding his fingerprints all over her parents’ bedroom, it had been like a physical blow.

  He was gone. For good and with a fresh start thanks to her parent’s jewelry.

  Here she was, years later, anxiously waiting to hear from him again. And while she’d done her damndest not to get emotionally involved, she knew she was bullshitting herself.

  She’d done exactly what she said she wouldn’t and fallen for him—again.

  Except would things end differently this time, or would history repeat itself?

  “You look a million miles away,” Chantal’s voice penetrated Kim’s thoughts and she blinked rapidly.

  “Sorry, I was, but I have everything ready for you.” Kim smiled and forced her thoughts back to her customer.

  “Great.” Chantal glanced at her watch.

  “Are you in a rush? I won’t be much longer.” Kim hurriedly wrapped the bustier and added it to the bag.

  “No, it’s fine. I just worked later than I expected so I’m running a bit late. Damon, of course, waits till the end of the day and decides he wants to review some stuff with me. He can be such a slave driver,” she added with a laugh.

  So he was back in Beechfield. A flash of hurt tore through her that she hadn’t heard from him or known he was back in town. But curiosity burned in regards to Chantal and Damon. “I bet,” she replied. “Have you worked for him long?”

  “Yes, about ten years. But we really only got to know one another the last five years when I was promoted to General Manager of one of his resorts in Quebec.” She smiled and her eyes went soft as she spoke about Damon.

  “I’m kidding about the slave driver. He’s amazing to work for,” Chantal continued when Kim remained silent. “But you know him, so you know what I’m talking about. I mean, he expects a lot from his staff and holds your feet to the fire, but he’s kind, caring, and frankly inspiring. Going from nothing like he did to what he is today.”

  Kim nodded and smiled, thinking she didn’t know him as well as Chantal thought. Yes, she knew he was a hard worker and could be demanding.

  “How long have you known, Damon?” Chantal asked.

  “Oh, um, we knew each other years ago from the same small town. But we hadn’t seen one another in years.”

  Chantal watched her closely as if deciding on something. “It’s a bit weird for me, having Damon in Beechfield so much. Not that I mind because he’s not a micro manager. It’s just, he only ever stopped in for a day before and very rarely. Yet he’s been here for quite some time.”

  Kim tried not to register any emotion on her face at Chantal’s words. She knew the woman must be just as curious about her and why Damon was spending so much time in Beechfield.

  “But I’m glad to see him more relaxed and enjoying some down time. He works way too hard. I just hope whatever is keeping him in town works out. Because he deserves it. In all my years working for him, I’ve never seen him get too close with anyone. It was almost as though his heart belonged to someone already,” Chantal finished, giving her a pointed look.

  Kim registered Chantal’s words and her heart hammered in her chest. Chantal was giving her a message. Could it be true? Could it be why her and Damon were still single years later and neither ever married? Deep down, she wasn’t sure she had ever let go or opened herself up to loving any else. Maybe it had been the same for Damon?

  “Oh God, look at me,” Chantal said with a laugh. “Gossiping about the boss. That’s awful. Please ignore me and forget my big mouth.”

  “Of course,” Kim replied and rang up the total. After Chantal had paid and left the store, Kim stared into space, replaying her words.

  It was almost as though his heart belonged to someone already.

  If that was true, did it belong to her?

  It was time to find out.

  * * * *

  Damon closed the door behind him and dropped his briefcase on the floor, physically and mentally exhausted after dealing with Paul Morrison today.

  What he really wanted was to drive straight over to Kim’s. He hadn’t seen her in a few days and he was surprised at how much he missed her. But he figured he should take the night and regroup. Think about how he was going to handle things after today.

  He went straight for the shower, letting the hot steam soothe his aching muscles from being tense all day. He recalled Paul’s shock and anger when he’d brought Kim into the conversation as his third demand.

  Damon hadn’t been planning that. He had suddenly realized he was in no way ready to let her go. But he also couldn’t give up on his need to punish Paul Morrison.

  He’d calmly advised Paul that he hadn’t successfully managed to keep Damon and Kim apart. He watched the blood drain from the older man’s face when he informed him they were currently seeing each other.

  “I will tell Kim about all of this in my own time. But if she hears a word of this from you before I’ve had a chance to tell her, this file will make it to the hands of the police,” Damon warned him.

  Paul hadn’t agreed but also hadn’t disagreed. He just sat there, shooting daggers of hatred at Damon. But he had the feeling that jail scared the shit out of Paul and that he would keep quiet. At least long enough for Damon to come up with a plan to have his revenge and somehow keep Kim in his life.

  He’d bought himself some precious time.

  As he got out of the shower and dried himself off, there was a knock at the door. He wrapped a towel around his waist and peered through the peep hole. Kim stood on the other side. Damon hesitated, his hand on the door knob. Had her father told her already?

  Never one to hide, he pulled open the door.

  Neither said anything. Kim stared at him, her eyes wide as they travelled over his body clad in a white towel. She was wearing a light blue coat that went to her knees and belted in at the waist, with sexy come-fuck-me shiny black high heels.

  He could see the hunger in her eyes, which mirrored his own.

  “Hi,” he finally managed to say. “Come in. I wasn’t expecting you or I would have gotten dressed.” She didn’t seem angry but looks could be deceiving.

  She walked into the condo, a slight hesitation in her step. When he closed the door, she smiled. “I wasn’t sure if you’d even be home but thought I’d take a chance.” She began to undo the belt of her coat. “As for your lack of clothing, it suits me just fine.” She opened the coat and shrugged it off, throwing it on the couch.

  Damon drew in a sharp breath as he looked at her. His cock hardened at the sight in front of him. She was completely naked except for a scrap of lace that couldn’t even be called a thong. It was a small string of black lace around her waist and a strip of black that went down between the li
ps of her pussy. His eyes widened noticing the small pearls on the string pressed against her mound.

  His dick sprang to attention, tenting out the towel. Kim’s eyes travelled to his cock, smiling at his body’s reaction.

  She lifted her hand and trailed her fingertips down the center of her body, between her beautiful breasts until they grazed the pearls against her clit. She let out a small gasp.

  “You have no idea how hard it is to wear these,” she said, pulling at the string. Damon’s eyes were riveted to the pearls between the folds of her pussy. She let out another soft moan as they rubbed against her. “To have these things pressed against my clit, especially when I can’t stop thinking about you, or your cock,” she finished.

  Kim took another step closer and hooked a finger in his towel, pulling it away. It dropped to the floor and she stared at his cock, hard as rock and licked her lips.

  “Imagining your cock in my mouth. Or buried in my pussy, fucking me hard.” She trailed her finger softly against his shaft and Damon groaned. She tugged some more at the pearls and bit down on her lip. “I almost came, several times on the way over, rubbing against these and imagining your tongue on my clit.”

  She took his cock in her hand and began to stroke up and down, moving her thumb over the slit where pre-cum oozed from it. Damon moved his own hand between her legs. He felt the small pearls and applied a bit pressure. She cried out at his fingers pushed them against her clit.

  Damon couldn’t take anymore. Thinking of her nonstop for the past couple days and now seeing her here, inches from him wearing nothing but a pearl G-string made his cock throb painfully.

  With a growl, he gripped her waist and pulled her up hard against him before devouring her lips. He could feel the smoothness of the pearls against his dick and he gripped her ass, pushing his cock against them. Kim moaned low in her throat.

  When he finally let go of her mouth he bent his head and sucked hungrily at one nipple and then other, all the while gently tugging at the pearls.

  “Damon,” she cried. “You’re going to make me come.”

  “Oh baby, me, too,” he whispered. He grabbed at the string between her folds. “I am not going to last long either.” With a hard tug, he ripped the string away from the lace at her waist and the pearls fell to the floor.

  Kim laughed as she looked at them scattered by her feet. “What you doing?”

  “Get ready to fuck you. Hard.”

  Damon pushed her up against the closest wall and lifted her so she was supported by the wall and his body. She wrapped her legs around him and kissed him, her cry muffled by his mouth as he plunged into her wet pussy.

  Damon gripped her ass tightly as he continued to thrust into her, over and over. He could feel her nails raking at his back. He loved the small noises coming from her each time he buried himself into her tight pussy. Her eyes were glazed over in arousal, head thrown back against the wall as he continued to fuck her. Her breathing grew louder and her legs trembled around him. He could feel her tighten, getting closer.

  Damon concentrated hard on not climaxing before her but damn, it was getting difficult. Her body was meant for him. She fit perfectly. Snuggled so well into his arms. Her breasts the ideal size for his hands. Her pussy so snug around his cock. He fought to hold back longer.

  “Damon,” she cried his name, digging her fingernails into his skin. Her legs and pussy clenched around his dick and he was powerless to stop his own orgasm. Hot, spurts of semen erupted from his cock. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he tried to regain his breathing. He leaned into Kim, still against the wall, letting his heartbeat resume to normal.

  Kim chucked softly next to his ear and he looked up.

  “You wrecked my pearl thong,” she said, attempting to look mad.

  Damon smiled. “I’ll buy you a new one.” He kissed her lips, tenderly, savoring the feel of their softness. “I missed you,” he said between kisses.

  The smile disappeared from her lips and her face grew serious. “I missed you, too.” He didn’t miss the sad look in her eyes. “Which is why we need to talk. But this had to be done first. I was so freaking horny,” she said and laughed.

  “Ditto,” Damon replied, stepping back from the wall and letting her down. “Let me grab some pants. Want a robe or something?”

  “Actually, I have a dress rolled up in my purse,” Kim replied, her cheeks flushed. She pulled out some rolled material from her bag and donned it over her head. “It’s a bit wrinkled now.” The small black dress with a bold pattern draped loosely around her and she pulled out a thin belt as well, looping it around her waist and cinching it. She smoothed her hair back, grabbing an elastic band from her wrist and tying it into a messy bun at the top of her head.

  He smiled watching her. She wasn’t like most women he knew who took hours to look perfect. She always looked effortlessly beautiful by letting her natural beauty shine through. Damon could feel his cock stirring again just looking at her.

  Kim noticed it as well, her eyes widening and her lips parting. He took a step toward her.

  “Oh no,” she said with a smile. “Pants.” She pointed her finger to his bedroom. “Then talk.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied with a wink. After cleaning up, he pulled on a pair of jeans and returned to the living room. He could hear Kim in the other bathroom and went to the kitchen, grabbing a couple beers out of the fridge.

  He held them up once she came in. “This okay or you prefer something else?”

  “No, I’d love a beer.” She held out her hand and took one before they both moved back to the couch.

  Kim took a long swig of her beer and then smiled. “Some liquid courage. Um, we need to talk about, um, about us, I guess.”

  “Yeah, we do. Kim, I—”

  “No, let me go first and say this before I lose my courage,” she interrupted.

  Damon smiled and nodded, grateful for the interruption. He was terrified his words would mean the end of them. He waited patiently for her to continue.

  “What are we doing exactly? I mean, besides having great sex.” She pulled at the label on her beer bottle and fidgeted in her seat. “You’ve been in Beechfield for a couple weeks now on business, you say, and we’ve been seeing quite a bit of each other. God, this is awkward.” She took another sip of her beer. “I guess I’m just wondering about, um, about what we’re doing.”

  She stared at him expectantly, her cheeks flushed. “I think it’s safe to say that the business that brought me here is not the business that is keeping me here,” he replied. “But I have no expectations where you’re concerned.”

  “Oh, okay. Well thanks for being honest. I—”

  “I wasn’t done,” Damon interrupted. “I have no expectations but I have hopes.” Her hands stopped fidgeting with the label on her beer as she peered at him with wide eyes, full of burning questions.

  “I want you. I want to keep seeing you for however long until you get sick of me. I want you in my life, Kim. Logistically, we’ll have to think about some things, but we’re good together and I want to explore that more. My hope is that you feel the same.”

  He took hold of her hand and waited, heart hammering. She smiled. “I–I want that, too,” she finally said. “But, our past, it keeps rearing its ugly head. I’m trying to let it go but it’s harder than I thought.”

  Damon nodded, knowing exactly how she felt. Guilt ate at him, knowing he wasn’t being fully honest with her. How could he ask her to let go of the past when he couldn’t?

  Tell her…everything. Now is your chance.

  “I know,” he finally replied. “But maybe we can try. Just take one day at time.” He took her hand and placed it on his chest. “I think about never seeing you again and it makes me miserable. I can’t stop thinking about you, from the moment I saw you again.”

  Tomorrow was another day. He’d tell her tomorrow.

  “Ditto,” she whispered. A pained look crossed her face. “But I have to know something. I though
t we felt strongly for each other years ago. In fact, I thought we were in love. But then you left and I never heard from you again. I forgive you for stealing my mom’s jewelry. I know you were in a rough place then. But you could have called or something and explained…” Her voice trailed off.

  Damon swore softly under his breath. “I did call, many times and even wrote you letters, Kim. But when I called, your parents always answered and said you didn’t want to talk to me and all my letters went unanswered. As for the stolen jewelry, I can’t prove my innocence but I swear, I never stole a thing.”

  He saw the look of disbelief on her face. “I never got any messages or letters. As for the jewelry, I told you, I don’t care.”

  Damon stood abruptly and paced, warring with himself. Could her parents have hid the letters? Possibly. He stopped pacing and looked at her.

  “I phoned several times, always hoping to catch you but either no one answered or your parents did. At first, they’d say you were out. Then they got more aggressive and told me you wanted nothing to do with me. After a while, I tried less but still kept calling every so often.” He came and stood before her. “But about two months after I’d left, your parents kindly informed me that you were engaged. At first I didn’t believe them, until my uncle confirmed it. It was like a kick in the gut.”

  Kim cringed and looked away. She was quiet a minute before standing herself. She took his hand in his. “I was hurt and Robert was there. He was caring and friendly and I thought my parents were right about you. So I gave up. I let myself believe friendship would be enough to sustain a marriage and that love was stupid and never worked out. I was in a haze and let myself get pushed into it. So yes, it’s true, I got engaged shortly after but as you know, I never married Robert. I realized we’d both be miserable and that I was still in love with you, despite everything. So I ran and travelled and well, you know the rest.”

  She placed a kiss on his naked chest and Damon held his breath. “I was trying to find myself, stand on my own two feet, but truthfully, I don’t think I ever stopped running. From one place to another or one man to another. I don’t think I ever got over you, Damon, and while I was having a lot of fun, I wasn’t really living. Never letting anyone get close to me. I don’t want to make that mistake with you.”