Lace & More Page 2
“Shit, Kim, I didn’t even remember his name was Reilly which is horrible.” Lacey hung her head in shame. “I know we went to the pub and had a few drinks...okay lots...and I recall the two guys here were both bartenders and you introduced us. I flirted a bit...or maybe a lot. They gave us a ride home and you invited them in. We had a drink and the rest is kinda blurry.”
Kim chuckled as Lacey recounted the night’s events. “Kian and I didn’t finish our drinks and took off to my bedroom. We left you and Reilly out here. I had no idea where Reilly would be this morning. Yes, you were flirting all night and eye fucking him like nobody’s business. But you also kept telling me he was too young and it wasn’t suitable to take guys home from a bar...blah...blah...blah. Even intoxicated, you can’t let your bad girl out and play—and I’m telling you, that man would have been so much fun to play with.”
Lacey gave her a sharp look. “Well he is too young and we shouldn’t bring strange men home. I was obviously drunk and you left me out here with a stranger.” Kim rolled her eyes at Lacey. She made no qualms about how she thought Lacey erred too much on the side of caution and not enough on the side of wild abandon. Kim also had a weakness for hot guys and didn’t believe in monogamous relationships. In her opinion, Lacey was wasting her time looking for Mr. Right.
“They’re not strangers or too young. I’ve known them since they got here and started working at the pub and I don’t have your age hang-ups. Reilly is a great guy. I had no worries leaving you two alone.”
“Got here?”
Kim took another sip of her coffee. “Yeah, they are both from Ireland. Kian came to Canada a few months ago. Reilly has been here for a few years. You know how Flanagan’s likes to bring in the real thing to serve at the bar. Makes it more authentic for the tourists.”
Lacey nodded in agreement. Beechfield was a tourist town located on the shores of Georgian Bay. The town was flooded with tourists in the winter months enjoying the ski hill and resorts. Summer was just as busy with tourists flogging to the beach. Flanagan’s was a popular Irish pub in the village at the base of the mountain in Beechfield’s largest resort. Both tourists and locals enjoyed the great food and talented musicians. The staff being all easy on the eyes didn’t hurt either.
Kim had been living in Beechfield for a few years now. She had been flitting around the globe for years, never staying in one place long. However, Beechfield was the longest she’d maintained an address and Kim had declared wanting to put down roots which surprised Lacey. Kim said she found the town she wanted to call home.
But Beechfield was spectacular and had drawn Lacey in as well. Quitting her stable, secure, high-paying management job at a bank in Toronto, she’d packed up her neat and tidy life and moved to Beechfield to open a lingerie and swimwear boutique with Kim. Lacey hadn’t hated her job but she’d been seriously unfulfilled. She wasn’t excited about waking up and going to work. In fact, she hadn’t been excited about anything in a long time, until she’d decided to move and go into business with Kim. Friends and family regarded her decision as crazy but Lacey followed her instinct and heart for once. Her life had always consisted of doing the respectable, mature thing after growing up with a mother who flitted from job to job and from husband to husband. As a result, she’d been a serious child and had grown into an even more serious adult. All work and no play made for a pretty dull life so far…and she desperately wanted to change that.
“What happened with you and Reilly?” Kim interrupted her thoughts.
“Nothing. Maybe—damn, I’m not sure. I am never drinking again. I wake up with some young Irish hunk in my bed and don’t remember how he got there.” Lacey rubbed her temples hoping her headache would dissipate. “And I have texts from another guy I don’t recall giving my number to.”
Kim grinned, clearly amused by Lacey’s dismay. “Probably David. The other guy I introduced to you. Remember, in your search for Mr. Right? You gave him your number.”
“Oh God. I have officially lost my marbles.”
Kim laughed and spat a mouthful of coffee. “No you haven’t. Is David texting you? He seemed quite taken with you last night? What did he want?”
“He wanted to go for breakfast but we’re having dinner instead. I still have to shower, clear my head and get Reilly out of here.” Lacey’s eyes darted to the hallway.
Kim let out an unladylike snort. “You know, I believe you tried to do all the partying you missed in your twenties in one night.”
“Very funny,” Lacey retorted, giving her a stern look. “I’m going to wake up Reilly and give him the boot. Then hop in the shower.”
“You should wake him and ask him to join you in the shower.”
“You are not helping.”
Lacey gave Kim her best evil eye and headed to the bedroom where Reilly still slept. She sat next to him and let her gaze travel hungrily over him for a few seconds. Kim’s words reverberated in her head and she pictured him in the shower, water cascading down his lean, muscled body. Lacey’s nipples immediately tightened and she blinked to clear the image. With a sigh, she gently nudged him. Nothing. She nudged a bit harder. He finally opened his eyes and a sexy smile curved over his beautiful mouth, flashing perfect, straight white teeth. Such a kissable mouth and the most intense blue eyes.
“Coming back to bed, love?” He patted the mattress. “Can’t sleep as good as when you aren’t curled around me.”
This man and his voice did serious things to her libido. Lacey fought the urge to crawl back into bed and wrap herself around him, among other things.
No. This guy, while ridiculously gorgeous, wasn’t right for her.
“Um, Reilly, I have to leave shortly for a...thing...I have to do.”
He sat up and stretched. She watched the muscles ripple on his chest and abs and longed to touch them.
“So our romance is over then?” Lacey pulled her gaze away from his chest to look into his eyes, which sparkled in amusement.
“I’m kidding.” He was teasing and seemed to enjoy her discomfort. “You kept telling me over and over how you wanted me but I’m not Mr. Right.” His blue eyes bore into hers. “But you’re wrong. We’d be good together.”
Lacey’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. There was that vague recollection she’d had about throwing herself at him.
“Don’t worry, nothing happened last night,” Reilly continued. “Not even a kiss. Except some cuddling. Which was nice despite the raging hard-on I had all night...and still have.”
Lacey’s face radiated heat and her mouth dropped open. Her eyes subconsciously travelled lower. Oh yeah, he was hard. A ripple of awareness surged through her body and her nipples hardened even more.
Reilly’s nostrils flared and his eyes darkened. “Don’t look at me like that or I will have to try even harder to get into your pants.” Heat sizzled between them as his gaze travelled over her, stopping at her swollen nipples visible through the flimsy T-shirt and lace bra. “I’ve thought of nothing else since meeting you. Last night, I couldn’t stop imagining my cock buried inside you. Came damn close to experiencing a wet dream—which I haven’t done since my teenage years.”
Oh God! Lacey squeezed her thighs together against the heavy pulsing between her legs. She’d never met a man who talked so openly about wanting her. She should find his words indecent and crude. But coming from him, they only excited her. She stood up and walked to the dresser before she jumped his bones. Reilly stood as well and moved close behind her. Every cell in her body was aware of him. He turned her around and pulled her into his arms.
“I’m kidding, love,” he whispered. “True, that’s all I thought about all night but I’m not the kind of guy to take advantage of a woman.”
With her face buried in his broad chest, he stroked her back and kissed the top of her head. Lacey stiffened but as he cushioned her against him, she melted in arms. She listened to the beat of his heart and breathed in his scent. She closed her eyes, lu
xuriating in the feel of his strong body next to her. He was definitely over six feet tall and Lacey felt petite. Dimly, she was aware of her inner voice indicating she should push him away but somehow she couldn’t summon the desire to. A calmness settled within her from being in his arms. Like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Reilly leaned back, enough to tilt her up and he planted a kiss on the tip of her nose. “I had fun last night. Don’t over think it. Just enjoy it like I did...even though you were a cock tease.”
“What? I didn’t mean to be,” she exclaimed, mortified.
“I’m teasing.” His lips curled in a cocky smile. “You made it clear nothing was going to happen. My own fault for hoping I could charm my way into your panties.”
Lacey chuckled, despite her embarrassment. He had such a beautiful smile and infectious personality it was hard not to grin. Unconsciously, she tightened her arms around him in a hug. “You are charming and gorgeous and almost impossible to resist. But thank you for being a gentleman.”
Too late, she realized what she’d done by hugging him. It brought their bodies intimately closer together. His hard cock pressed against her...specifically her clitoris. If she moved a bit, side to side or up and down, she’d be in heaven. It had been so long and she was damn tired of solo sex. Her breath hitched in her throat as their eyes locked. Reilly’s pupils dilated as his gaze captured hers.
Lacey chewed her bottom lip nervously and he drew in a sharp breath before picking her up and setting her down on the dresser. He positioned himself between her legs. Lacey opened her mouth to protest but he cupped her face in his large hands and kissed her. Not a gentle, nice to meet you kiss. More like I’m going to devour you kind of kiss. She’d never been kissed like this before. So hungrily. Her stomach did a crazy flip flop as his tongue swirled in her mouth.
His hands moved down her back to cup her ass and pull her closer. He pressed his hard, thick, long cock right against her clit and began to move exactly like she wanted. A low moan escaped her lips as she concentrated on the intense pleasure enveloping her body.
All Lacey’s resolve vanished as heat sizzled between them. She returned the kiss with everything she had while pressing herself against him. All she thought about was the friction of his cock against her clit and his lips on hers. Nothing else mattered. She rocked against him, moaning like someone had taken over her body.
Reilly broke the kiss just long enough to tug her shirt over her head and then his mouth slanted over hers again before she regained her senses. Not that it would have happened while his cock was so close to bringing her to orgasm. He fiddled with her bra at the back but not for long. It was off in seconds, and just as quickly her freed breasts were in his hands.
Lacey whimpered when his thumbs brushed over her sensitive nipples, her breasts heavy with need. The combination of his tongue deep in her mouth, his fingers pulling on her nipples and his cock rubbing her clit brought her closer to the edge and she cried out.
“That’s right, love. I want to make you come.”
Wrapping her legs around him, she tried to pull him closer, wishing their clothes would melt away. She wanted him inside her. Lacey had never been in such a state of arousal that all rational went out the window. But that was exactly what Reilly was doing to her.
He pulled her off the dresser so they were standing but leaning against it while his lips continued to wreak havoc on her senses. He undid the button and zipper on her jeans and slid his hand down the front of her pants. He gently caressed her folds before easily sliding inside her. God she was wet.
Beyond any rational thought, she rode his hand. Reilly’s mouth moved from her lips to her stiffened nipples. He lavished attention equally on each breast and then came back to her mouth. She sucked on his bottom lip and gripped his shoulders tightly. He continued fucking her with this fingers while his thumb stroked her clit.
Lacey held on for dear life. She broke their kiss and buried her head in his shoulder as her body began to shake and blood rushed to her core.
“Look at me,” he commanded. “I want to see you come.”
She raised her head and gazed up at him. The desire in his eyes made her feel incredibly sexy and her inhibitions melted away. She held his gaze, her breathing labored as the tingling intensified to an intense throbbing. She gripped the back of the dresser and rode his hand as her body shook and trembled.
“You are one sexy lady, Lacey,” he whispered. “Especially those noises you make when you’re coming.” He took her mouth in another kiss as sensations flooded through her. She let out a long, satisfied groan and her body went limp. Reilly continued feather-like kisses before pulling his hand out from her panties.
Thankfully, he still held her tight, because she wasn’t sure her legs would support her. Lacey watched in a trance as he brought his fingers up to his mouth and licked them.
“I had to at least taste the forbidden fruit,” he murmured with a sexy smile before leaning over and kissing her. Lacey tasted herself on his lips which she found strangely erotic. He picked her up, carried her to the bed and gently laid her down.
“I like a woman sober when I make them come so you can remember every detail.” He turned, scooped up her top and passed it to her. “Put this back on before I change my mind and fuck you until you forget all about how wrong we supposedly are for each other.”
He smiled and adjusted his pants which clearly outlined his arousal. With a cocky grin, he walked out of the room. Lacey let out a deep breath and sank back on the bed, in complete shock of what she had just let transpire. What the hell had just happened? Never had she experienced such an intense orgasm with anyone and that quickly. She waited until the trembling in her legs stopped and her heart resumed a normal rhythm before getting up and darting into the bathroom.
She held onto the counter and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were red and swollen. Guiltily, she turned away and striped. Lacey turned the water on hot and got in, letting the stream run over her head, hoping to clear her thoughts. She washed her hair quickly but took longer washing her body. She had to be gentle because she was sensitive after such an amazing orgasm. As she ran the loofah over her breasts, she kept playing out in her mind what had just happened. She was on sensory overload. Her skin hypersensitive and her nerves receptive to the softest touch. A wicked smile tugged at her lips.
Sure, she’d dated, although not extensively, and even had a few long-term relationships. But nothing this intense. Lacey put her work first and fiercely protected her independence and any guys she dated were second fiddle, hence why her relationships never lasted. But none of her past boyfriends had ever elicited such a strong, passionate response. One ex-boyfriend even suggested she was frigid and she’d wondered if he was right. After all, for her sex was nice, and sometimes she would orgasm, but many times not. It was always the same. Go on a few dates, if things progressed well they would eventually have nice, somewhat satisfying sex.
Kim said it was the guys she dated that made for such a boring sex life. All quiet, conservative types were pretty much the men she met in her line of work and would date. Dull, mind-numbing kind of guys—made for unexciting, lackluster sex—were Kim’s words. Lacey couldn’t disagree. She dated men based on their ability to fit into her lifestyle and commonalities. She pretty much used the memorized checklist in her head and had never varied from that list.
Until now.
Conservative, responsible, traditional, kind, career-minded and financially successful were on her list. He didn’t have to be rich but successful at his profession. She didn’t even but handsome on the list because in her mind, good-looking guys usually fell short on the list and she wasn’t about to sacrifice any of those attributes for looks. While she didn’t know much about Reilly, he screamed sexy, carefree, impulsive, bartender. Nothing from her list. Not her type at all. Yet, Lacey had always secretly envied Kim’s stories of mind blowing sex.
When she came ou
t of the shower, she dropped the towel and stared in the mirror, studying her body. She had an attractive figure which came from eating healthy and working out regularly. Examining her reflection, she looked for some metamorphosis. She felt different. In her thirty-nine years she’d never perceived herself as a sensual, sexy woman who drove men to their knees. Yet that was exactly how Reilly just made her feel.
Something had to be different because she wasn’t acting like herself. She had just climaxed from the touch of a near stranger. Definitely not herself.
Mixed emotions collided within her. Part of her was horrified at her behavior and the other part wanted to grab Reilly and do it again. Only this time she wanted to return the favor and stroke his hard cock first with her hand followed by her mouth. Lacey’s hand fluttered down her stomach and lightly touched her clit. Tingling sensations shot through her body. Geez, suddenly she was a nymphomaniac. She dropped her hand and briskly towel dried her hair.
A knock sounded on the bathroom door. “Lacey. You want some breakfast?” Kim’s voice called to her. “They’re gone.”
She wrapped the towel back around her and opened the door. “Gone, did you say?” She should be relieved but to her confusion, she was actually disappointed.
“Yup,” Kim replied. “Reilly asked me to give you this.” Kim passed her a piece of paper with a mischievous smile. “That man has it bad for you.”
Lacey swallowed the lump in her throat and carefully unfolded the note, as if any minute it might burn her fingers.
I’m seriously missing the feel of your ass pressed against me. Don’t know how in the world I’ll ever sleep again without you. If you have any sympathy for me whatsoever and care about my well-being, you will call me and we can have another sleep over tonight.
p.s. or just do it for purely selfish reasons…orgasms at your request