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Lace & More Page 4
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“What did you do today?”
“Kim and I went by the store to check on the painters to see how things were coming along and worked on all the details we need to finish for our grand opening.”
“That’s right. You mentioned last night about the lingerie and swimwear store you’re opening. That’s a big change.” Even thought it was a pretty common statement Lacey heard, the tone in his voice was like many of her friends. Condescending.
“Yes, it is,” she stated.
“That must have been a difficult decision to leave such a secure career for the retail industry?”
“Yes.” She fiddled with her napkin and took another sip of her wine, tired of defending her choice to leave her cushy job at the bank. “But I wasn’t happy. I mean, I didn’t hate it and in fact enjoyed the position but I was going through the motions. No excitement in the morning to go to work. I don’t know if that makes sense but I knew I needed a change.”
“I see,” he replied but didn’t seem like he did at all. “Why a swimwear and lingerie shop?”
“That’s more Kim’s expertise than mine and I’ll be concentrating on the books and financial side of the business. But being by the beach, swimwear seemed like a great idea and well, lingerie, despite economic downturns always seems to be an item woman splurge on.” She smiled picturing some of the items they’d purchased for the store. In fact, Lacey wore a beautiful red lace bra and matching thong from their inventory. They’d both grabbed a few things figuring they needed to be familiar with their merchandise if they were going to recommend items.
Lacey in particular wanted to get away from her usual cotton briefs and plain bras. Just having the silky material caress her skin, made her feel sexy and confident. She never understood before why women spent so much money on what she deemed as impractical undergarments but ever since she’d started wearing the lingerie, she completely got it. Even if no one else saw what was underneath, it gave her confidence and a sexiness she’d never possessed before.
She remembered Reilly’s face this morning and the desire in his eyes when he’d seen her black bra. He hadn’t seen the matching panties, only brushed them as he pushed them aside to stroke her.
“True,” David replied and Lacey forced herself to squash the image in her mind. “Well I’m glad the business venture brought you here or we’d never had met.”
Lacey smiled at the sweet compliment. “Tell me more about you.”
“I was born and raised here. I left for a while and went the University of Toronto and studied Economics where I met my ex-wife. We married after school and moved back here but she always missed the city and I didn’t. We kind of grew apart.”
The waiter interrupted them to take their order and after he’d departed, David filled her in on his job and they discussed investments. It was an area she knew well, yet she found herself bored with the conversation. He didn’t ask her much about herself. He monopolized most of the conversation like he was trying to impress her with his knowledge of the financial industry.
When the food arrived, conversation slowed as they ate their meal. Afterward over dessert and coffee, David continued most of the talking. He made a generous living, enough to afford him a nice house not far from the ski hill as well as Mercedes Benz. He worked out at the gym a lot to stay in shape, had several hobbies such as skiing and golfing. He liked to travel and wanted to settle down with wife number two soon and perhaps have one child.
Lacey tried not to laugh while he spoke. Not that what he was saying was funny. She just got the impression they were on a job interview instead of date. The conversation flowed as such, with him giving “selling points” about himself and then interjecting and asking Lacey specific questions. Did she own a home? A car? Work out? Did she want to be married or have children?
In the past, Lacey had always known what she wanted, just like David. She’d had the great job, beautiful house, luxury car and wanted to get married and have two children and live happily ever after. Lately she was a bit more confused about her future. She still wanted to find someone to share her life with. Mr. Right as she kept referring to him. But she also craved some fun and excitement and spontaneity. Kids on the other hand, she wasn’t sure fit into the plan anymore. She said as much to David and needless to say, he didn’t seem happy about her answer.
When dinner was done, David suggested they walk the village and look around. They wandered from shop to shop admiring beautiful art, hand-crafted items and gorgeous pieces of jewelry.
“You’re cold,” David remarked after a while. “Your ears are red. Did you want to warm up and get a drink?”
Lacey looked up and noticed they stood in front of Flanagan’s, where Reilly worked. Her immediate instinct was to say no. She certainly didn’t want to see Reilly again. Did she? Yet, she found herself peeking in the windows trying to get a glimpse of him but didn’t seem him. He mustn’t be working this evening and she was quite cold since the wind had picked up.
“Sure, it would be nice to warm up a bit.”
They walked into Flanagan’s and since it was still early in the evening the place wasn’t packed like it had been last night. However, being Saturday night, it would fill up in the next hour. They grabbed a booth near the bar and she glanced around nervously for Reilly again. Lacey exhaled air from her lungs. She told herself she was relieved he wasn’t working. Yet why did her eyes keep searching for him. The waitress came over and took their order for drinks. The band hadn’t started which made it easier to converse.
The waitress returned with their drinks and Lacey took a sip and tried to relax. She smiled at David and found him watching her intently. He took hold of her hands across the table.
“Lacey, you are a beautiful woman and I enjoyed our dinner tonight,” he said. “I hope you did, too, because I want to see you again. I think we’d be great together and we have a lot in common. I don’t mean to be forward, but sometimes I find dating can be such a waste of time if two people don’t want the same things. “
Whoa! She didn’t expect that. She chewed her bottom lip trying to form a reply. She liked him. He was a nice man, and had everything from her list. But as she looked down at their hands entwined, she waited, hoping for an ounce of the excitement that had filled her when Reilly touched her. But, nothing. When she pictured hands on her body, bringing her to a feverishly delicious climax, it was Reilly she envisioned. Her face flamed at the image and she looked away.
Lacey’s eyes landed on the subject of her desires. Reilly stood at the bar holding a case of beer. He stared at her and David with their hands still locked. His large biceps flexed while holding the case and his eyes narrowed angrily. Lacey swallowed despite the fact her mouth had gone completely dry.
“Lacey?” David’s voice broke through her daze. She quickly looked back at him and smiled.
“Sorry.” She gently pulled her hands out from David’s. “You’re a great guy but I’m not looking for anything serious right now.” The lie slid from her lips. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings. “I need to concentrate on getting our store up and running and my plate’s kind of full,” she finished. While she wanted someone in her life, something held her back, despite the fact that he was everything she wanted...or thought she wanted.
“I understand,” he replied, but all the warmth had left his voice. Lacey took another sip of her drink and grasped for something to say. The awkwardness hung between them. She excused herself to use the ladies room.
“Dammit!” she said to her reflection in the mirror once alone. Why wasn’t she attracted to David? What was holding her back? She wanted to get this night over with. Get home to her pajamas, grab a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and wallow in self-pity for the night.
She pulled open the door of the restroom and walked out but came to an abrupt halt. Reilly leaned against the wall on the opposite side.
“Hello, Lacey.” His arms were crossed against his chest and his blue eyes regarded her coldly. She straightened her spine a
nd glared back at him. She didn’t owe him anything.
“Hello, Reilly. Nice to see you,” she replied icily. “If you’ll excuse me.” She went to move past him, but in a flash, he towered over her and pulled her into a corner of the hallway.
“Is he Mr. Right?” Reilly asked, a steely edge to his voice.
He invaded her personal space and muddled her thoughts. Lacey breathed in his scent. Oh yes, much better than too much cologne. Her pulse picked up at their close proximity.
“Excuse me. That’s none of your business,” she finally managed to say.
“I know I have no right to be mad about you seeing another guy since we just met but fuck, I can’t help it. I am. All I want to do is throw you over my shoulder, take you home and keep you chained to my bed so you can’t see any other guys but me,” he murmured in her ear.
Lacey’s nipples immediately hardened and sensations pooled deep within her from the erotic images his words evoked. Which pissed her off. She was an independent woman and he was acting like a caveman talking about throwing her over his shoulder and chaining her to his bed. She should not be turned on by that! Lacey placed her hands at his chest to push him away but he didn’t budge. His muscles flexed beneath her palms and they itched to travel all over his beautifully toned body.
“I know you feel it, too. This heat between us. I’ll be here, waiting, when you decide to acknowledge it. We’d be great together.” His tongue snaked around her earlobe before pulling it into his mouth and sucking gently. Lacey let out a small gasp as molten hot fire warmed her body. He removed one of her hands from his chest and lowered it until the hard length of his cock was in her palm. He thrust himself into her hand.
“I want you, Lacey. Badly. I want to lick and suck every part of you.” He nudged himself against her palm again. “I promise it will be a night you won’t forget.” He circled her ear one more time before looking into her eyes.
There was no denying how much she wanted him. Her hand involuntary squeezed his erection and he growled softly in her ear. Lacey licked her lips and Reilly gave her a cocky grin.
“Get rid of your date and text me. I’ll get out of here early. I’m not going to get much done anyway imaging your beautiful face when you come. And I plan on making you come many, many times tonight.”
And then, he was gone. Lacey sank against the wall, trying to steady her breathing. Her hand which had minutes ago rubbed his hard shaft went to her earlobe, still wet from his tongue. The man was indecent. She should have slapped him, but instead she turned into a drooling, horny woman who actually squeezed his erection. A man came down the hallway toward the men’s room and Lacey quickly pulled herself together.
With trembling legs, she managed to walk back to the table where David was busy on the phone. He looked up when she approached and set the phone down.
“Did you want another drink?” he inquired.
She sat down and politely declined then toyed with the straw in her almost empty vodka and tonic.
Somehow she forced herself not to look at Reilly behind the bar, even though she sensed his eyes on her. “I’m still tired from last night and should probably head home.”
David signaled to the waitress for the bill. Once outside and having successfully avoided looking in Reilly’s direction even once, Lacey relaxed slightly. David walked her to her car despite her insistence she was fine.
“Thank you for dinner and a nice evening,” she said.
“You’re welcome and I hope we can do it again sometime. I know you said you aren’t ready for anything serious but I’d still like to see you again.”
Lacey wasn’t the type to ever lead a guy on, and there was no spark between them. “I’m sorry, David but I just don’t think we want the same things.”
“I understand,” he replied, all businesslike. “Well, thank you for an enjoyable evening and good luck with your business.” He smiled and gave her a stiff hug. “Take care then, Lacey.”
Lacey watched him go, feeling like the biggest jerk ever. She also wondered if she was making a huge mistake.
Chapter Three
Lacey sat in her car waiting for it to warm up while she processed the events of the evening.
“Put the car in drive and go home,” she said, talking to herself. Except her body didn’t obey the instructions from her mind. “No good can come of sleeping with him.” Except it would feel good. Scratch that, she was certain it would blow her socks off Lacey dug the note out of her purse that Reilly had left her and read it again. Even the damn note made her heart flutter and butterflies take off in her belly.
“It’s a stupid crush, that’s all.” Lacey blew out a breath of frustration. Great, the man had reduced her to a quivering mass of indecision who would soon need medication for talking to herself. Okay, let’s review the situation, she thought. This was how she always made decisions, by analyzing the pros and cons.
The problem was whether she should sleep with Reilly or not. She wanted to, no doubt about it, but she had to think it through.
Pro—she was fairly certain, despite her limited knowledge and experience that he’d be incredible in bed and a much-needed orgasm would help relieve stress. Anxiety filled her about the upcoming grand opening. Lacey needed to take her mind off it. Second, she did long for romance and passion, as loathe as she was to admit it as both usually ended up with someone getting hurt or making a fool out of themselves. Lacey didn’t expect romance with no-strings-attached sex, but passion—for sure. She was also strangely enjoying the way Reilly made her feel. Confident and sexy. She was a confident woman, but more so with regards to everything except her appearance. It wasn’t that she looked in the mirror and hated what she saw, she just didn’t put much emphasis on looks or sex appeal.
But in that small window of time with Reilly, she was Marilyn Monroe, sex symbol extraordinaire and it had been a heady sensation. But it was all well and easy to sit in her car and picture herself seducing Reilly. Quite another to act on it. Change was difficult for Lacey but this was why she was here—to shake up her boring humdrum life.
Con—he was too young. But the more she thought, was it really a con? Okay, he wasn’t Mr. Right. Why not enjoy Mr. Right Now for the time being. Could she fall for him and wind up wanting more? It was unlikely being they seemed to have little in common with their age gap. Besides, she didn’t plan on having long deep conversations with Reilly.
She’d never experienced such a physical attraction with someone. By exploring it, she’d scratch the itch, then go back to finding Mr. Right and erase Reilly from her thoughts. Having eliminated her list of cons, Lacey grabbed her cell phone and but still hesitated.
Screw it. She always played it safe. Maybe it was time to live on the edge.
Hi Reilly. Lacey here. I would love to see you tonight.
Scratch that. She sounded stuffy and not at all sexy. She closed her eyes and pictured Reilly between her legs, hoisted on the dresser, her full breasts exposed to his hot mouth. The desire in his eyes when he looked at her that morning brought out a naughtiness she hadn’t known existed.
Do I get to do my share of licking and sucking? Lacey
Her lips curved into a smile. Much better. Here goes nothing. She hit send before she lost her nerve. The image of being down on her knees, his cock in her mouth caused her pulse to race. She squeezed her thighs together against the tingling between her legs. However, as she waited for a response to her text, cold feet came. What was she thinking? Her experience giving blow jobs was minimal. In fact, her skill at seducing a man was nonexistent. She did not possess the sophistication and worldliness she was playing at and terror that she would come off as a complete novice filled her.
Lacey’s phone buzzed in her lap, startling her wayward thoughts.
Baby, I will be your lollipop anytime. Go to my house and make yourself comfortable. I won’t be much longer. I want you naked in my bed when I get there.
Reilly included his address and a code to enter the front do
or with the keyless entry. Despite her lack of know-how, Lacey put the address in the map on her phone and drove to his house, trying desperately trying to combat her trepidation. Her palms were damp against the steering wheel and her leg trembled as she accelerated. She pulled into his driveway, staring at the house. It was difficult to see much at night, especially with all the snow but his home was quite charming from the outside and looked well taken care. Not at all what she expected. Crap. Maybe he had roommates. She doubted he lived in this house alone. Bartenders didn’t make that much money, did they? She hoped she wasn’t surprising a roommate.
Lacey turned the car off and got out on shaky legs. She looked up and down the street for neighbors like she was about to commit a crime of breaking and entering before knocking softly on the front door. When no one answered, she entered the code and swung the door open, hesitating on the porch before finally stepping foot into the house. She turned on the halls lights and let her eyes adjust.
Shocked, she took in her surroundings. The inside of his home was gorgeous. Masculine, with dark colors that flowed perfectly. What made her jaw drop to the floor was all the incredible furniture. The coffee table in the center of his living room was divine. Lacey removed her boots and went in for a closer look. It was made of copper and had a rustic appearance which contrasted amazingly with the curled black iron legs. The sofa was also a stunning rich piece. The detail in the wood sides was beautiful and she sank down on the leather cushions, surprised at how comfortable it was.
She toured the rest of the house, running her hands over the remarkable pieces. The dining set was magnificent and the kitchen was every woman’s dream. State-of-the-art stainless steel appliances and dark granite countertops stood out wonderfully with the wood cabinets. But her favorite was the island which seemed antique, but beautifully brought to life. Almost like it came from a barn and was redone to work in a kitchen. The entire house was contemporary but rustic and she loved it.