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Revenge & More Page 8

“So we both learned a lesson then,” Damon replied calmly, while inside his mind screamed profanities.

  Kim cocked an eyebrow at him. “Really? What was your lesson?”

  “Good, rich Daddy’s girls only like to play with fire to get attention.”

  Kim’s nostrils flared and her hands fell away from his arms.

  “I think you should go,” she said.

  “Did I hit a nerve?” he asked.

  He saw the play of emotions across her face. First anger before she took a deep breath and pasted an insincere smile on her face. “Not at all. You’re absolutely right. We both got what we wanted. You wanted to piss off the rich folk and get some cash in your pocket and I was young and trying to defy my parents. Touché.”

  Damon clenched his fists at his side. He’d always know it but hearing her say the words made him livid. Despite what she thought, while he’d seriously disliked her parents, he’d let his guard down with Kim. She infiltrated his hard shell and woven her way around his heart. Only to stomp all over it.

  He’d been blind sighted. Walking around stupidly and setting things up so they could start their lives together only to find out she got engaged to another man shortly after he’d left town. Yet because of the damn jewelry, she felt wronged by him. Rage still simmered when he was reminded of the past. But years of discipline helped him mask it.

  “And we’ve also both gotten what we wanted tonight,” she continued, oblivious to his anger or she might have stopped her venomous words. “You wanted to prove I still wanted you, which you did. And well, me, I was just horny, plain and simple. It’s been a bit of a dry spell.”

  Damon took a breath, knowing she was trying to goad him.

  “You’re wrong,” he whispered, leaning closer. He lifted a hand to her face and traced the outline of her lips. Her eyes widened and her breath hitched in her throat, betraying the indifference her words hinted.

  “I’m not out to prove anything. From the moment I saw you again, I wanted you. Still want you. Right now, in fact.”

  His mouth covered hers, effectively silencing the conversation. He was done talking. Her words had successfully provoked him. Not only in anger but desire. This wasn’t over, only beginning.

  Damon backed her up against the wall, grinding his rock erection against her while crushing her lips in a bruising kiss. His hands slipped under her shirt and pinched her nipples, rotating the buds between his thumb and finger.

  Kim responded with a whimper, angling her hips toward his cock.

  Damon released her and pulled out a chair from the kitchen table. He unzipped his jeans, pulling out his cock and stroking the length. “I could never get enough of you, Kim. Not then and not now,” he said roughly.

  Her eyes, first riveted on his dick, found his, shimmering a deep sapphire color, and her breathing was deep and shallow.

  “Pull your pants down and bend over that chair.”

  Uncertain on whether she would obey, Damon was pleased when she did, with only the slightest hesitation.

  She kicked her pants away and kneeled on the chair, her hands grasping the back rest.

  Holy fuck.

  The sight of her supple, round ass bared to him almost caused him to ejaculate on the spot.

  He quickly pulled a condom from his pocket and sheathed his cock. He slid a finger between her legs and found her pussy soaked in her own juices.

  Good, cause I’m going to fuck you senseless.

  The burn of his anger had dissolved but was a replaced with a primal need to brand her. Make her his.

  He positioned his cock at her entrance and she eagerly jutted her ass out. Damon gripped her waist. Then he slammed into her. Kim cried out as the chair jerked forward from the force of his thrust.

  He moved his hands to the globes of her beautiful ass and dug into the soft flesh before sinking back into her tight core.

  Kim moaned and turned her head to watch as he thrust into her again, his balls slapping against her.

  “Damon,” she breathed, their eyes locking. “Your cock feels so good.”

  His balls tightened from the desire in her eyes and the words from her mouth. He slowed his pace, so close to climax but wanting to feel Kim squeeze around him when she came.

  He leaned over, his cock buried deep, and gathered her hair in his hand, giving it a gentle tug. She arched into him, pressing her ass deep into his groin.

  “Tell me what you want?” he whispered. “I want to hear what you like.”

  Kim squirmed her ass against him, silently begging for him to fuck her, but Damon held still and pulled a bit harder on her hair.

  “Tell me. I like hearing the words from your mouth.”

  “I want you to fuck me, Damon,” she cried out. “Fuck me hard. Make me come, Damon. I’m so close.”

  She bucked against him and a deep growl escaped his lips. He let go of her hair and squeezed her ass cheeks again as he slammed into her. He trailed one finger down the crack of her ass and then back up, pausing at the small puckered hole, waiting for her reaction.

  He heard a small whimper and he circled the entrance, teasing but not probing.

  Her breathing grew louder and faster. Damon sank into her again, this time slipping his finger part way inside her ass.

  “Oh God, yes,” she cried out.

  Damon picked up the tempo, sliding his cock into her and keeping the same rhythm with his finger. He could barely hold back. He was so hard. His balls were heavy as they slapped against her. The sight of his cock disappearing into her sweet pussy coupled with his finger getting deeper and deeper into her asshole was too much.

  He felt her starting to clench around his cock.

  “Damon, don’t stop. Please…More.”

  He groaned and fucked her pussy and ass as she tightened around him. No sooner had he felt her pussy grip his cock that he climaxed with her. String after string of semen ejaculated from his dick until he swore he’d never stop coming.

  Kim sagged against the chair once he’d finally pulled out. He used the washroom quickly and disposed of the condom. When he returned to the kitchen, she still hadn’t moved, her arms wrapped around the back of the chair.

  “I can’t move,” she gasped.

  He smiled and picked her up before carrying her to the couch and fetching her clothes.

  “Thanks. That was amazing. I can’t even remember what we were fighting about.”

  Damon laughed, watching her struggle into her jeans. He could barely recall either. Angry, hard sex appeared to be the best cure for arguing. He’d have to remember that.

  “I feel like Jell-O. All jiggly and wobbly. I guess that’s why they call it Le Petit Mort.”

  She pulled on her shirt and sank back down into the couch, her arms thrown over her head in exhaustion.

  “We never did eat. We need substance, that’s why. Or am I just that good?” he asked.

  “Fishing for compliments, I see. Well, I am starving but yes, you are pretty good,” she replied, a smirk on her lips.

  Damon pushed out his chest in an exaggerated motion. “It’s only fair that I feed you since I’ve fucked you into exhaustion.”

  Kim laughed and Damon moved to the kitchen and heated the soup in the microwave. While it was heating, he carried their wine glasses to the living room and placed them on the coffee table. Kim watched him move around her house, a small smile on her lips. He wondered what went on that head of hers right now.

  He brought them each a hot bowl of soup to the table and sat cross-legged on the floor in front of it. “Come on, sit up and eat. You might need your strength for later.”

  “No way. I don’t have another round in me,” she said and sank down to the floor beside him.

  “We’ll see,” he replied with a wink.

  Kim groaned and took a spoonful of soup. “This is delicious,” she said and spooned another mouthful.

  “I’m glad you like it. I like my resorts to have the best chefs.”

  She paused, spoon in mid-a
ir and stared at him. “Seriously, without fighting. How did you do all this?” Kim asked. “Not the food,” she continued. “I mean, Black Industries.”

  Damon put his spoon down and regarded her. Her eyes were wide and her voice held a note of incredulity which annoyed him. Oh yes, how did poor Damon who barely had money to take her to the movies manage all this?

  “Hard work, perseverance, and lots of motivation,” he replied. Motivated to never feel like a second class citizen again from people like you and your family.

  She still stared at him as if trying to put it all together. Like it was impossible to believe.

  “When I left Willow Lake, I moved to Toronto and started working for a small home builder. I learnt a lot from him and scrimped and saved every penny I could.”

  She opened her mouth to interrupt.

  Fuck, not back to the stolen jewelry again.

  “Continue,” was all she said and ate more soup, watching him intently.

  “Then my uncle passed, the one I worked for. He died young and I realized life was short. Make the most of it.” Damon stirred the spoon around in his soup as he thought of his uncle.

  “I’m sorry.” She did interrupt this time. “I didn’t realize your uncle had passed.”

  Damon watched her face closely for any insincerity, wondering how much she knew if anything about his uncle paying for the stolen goods. He’d always wondered if she’d heard of his passing and had been too cowardly to show her face at the funeral. After all, Willow Lake was a small town and everyone knew everything. But she seemed genuinely surprised.

  “Thanks. Anyway I bought a small plot of land and built my first house. Took me quite a while because I did most of the work since I couldn’t afford to hire sub-contractors. But I turned a nice profit on it and the next year, I build more houses and eventually started getting involved in resorts, golf courses, and prestigious communities.”

  Kim continued to stare at him in astonishment. Damon was proud of his successes but wasn’t a fan of talking about himself so he changed the subject.

  “What about you,” he asked. “I understand you and your friend own a swimwear and lingerie store in town?”

  Kim nodded, the look of astonishment finally leaving her face.

  “Yes, we do. It’s called Lace & More. We’ve only been open about six months but I love it.”

  Damon watched her face light up when she talked about the store. Her smile spread from ear to ear.

  “What were you doing before that? Did you finish business school?”

  “I did, to make my parents happy.” Her smile quickly turned to a frown.

  “So how come you didn’t marry Robert and really make your parents happy?” He’d been burning with curiosity on this since finding out she’d never married.

  Kim’s face seemed to take on a faraway look as she spoke. “It was actually being engaged to him that kind of woke me up. Hit bottom, so to speak. I was finished school and started working for the family business, planning the wedding with Mom and doing everything my parents wanted. They were ecstatic. Me, I was miserable.”

  She swirled the spoon around in her soup, seeming lost in thought. “Then it hit me one day. None of this was what I wanted and I would spend my life unhappy and making Robert just as miserable if I went through with it. We’d be mini versions of my parents.”

  “So what did you do?” Damon asked quietly.

  “I left. I was actually quite a coward about it, too. Left a note for Robert and my parents and took a bus out of town.”

  So she wasn’t in Willow Lake when his uncle had passed. She lifted her eyes to him and shrugged her shoulders. “Always had trouble standing up to them.”

  “Well you did in the end if you left and followed what you wanted,” he replied.

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Where did you go?”

  “Where didn’t I go?” She laughed and took a sip of her wine before continuing. “Europe at first, then Asia, India, Indonesia, and Australia. I backpacked around, made some friends, and traveled with them. Worked under the table here and there until I got bored and moved on to another destination.”

  “Sounds exciting,” he replied. But something nagged at him about her words. While it sounded exciting to travel the world, he secretly wondered if she’d been running from something. Too afraid to face it.

  “Yeah, it was great. I eventually came back to Canada and started some part time classes in fashion design. Got a job working for a lingerie designer in Toronto. That’s where I learned a lot and I knew I wanted to open my own store and maybe design my own stuff one day. I came to Beechfield on a ski trip and fell in love with the place.”

  “Did you start designing?”

  “I’ve dabbled a bit but nothing I’m ready to bring into the store yet.”

  “Feel free to model anything for me,” Damon replied with a wink.

  Kim laughed and shook her head. “I bet you’d enjoy that.”

  “Very much,” he said softly, still smiling but in a more serious tone. “Although I’m not going to complain, I like the absence of lingerie on your as well.”

  His gaze traveled down the column of her neck to her breasts which were free from the confines of a bra. The way the T-shirt contoured her beautiful breasts, outlining her nipples was a sight to behold. One that made him hard for her…again.

  Her lips upturned into a naughty smile, her eyes locked on his. “While I shouldn’t say this being the owner of a lingerie store, I do sometimes much prefer the absence of anything against my skin either.”

  She crawled toward him. “There’s nothing like the feel of a soft cotton shirt, sliding across your nipples. Or the seam of your jeans, pressing against your flesh.”

  Damon swallowed as she stood. They’d barely touched their food but he didn’t care. It wasn’t food he was hungry for.

  He stood up quickly and took her in his arms. “I thought your body couldn’t take anymore,” he whispered.

  “I say we test the limits,” she replied in his ear before nibbling on the lobe. His hands went under her shirt but Kim laughed and stilled his movements.

  “How about my bedroom this time? My legs are a bit wobbly,” she said with a smile and pulled him toward the stairs.

  Damon didn’t hesitate. He followed up the stairs, his eyes enjoying the view of her ass all the way up.

  When they reached her bedroom, Damon stared hungrily at her. “Take off your clothes,” he ordered. While he’d admired her naked earlier, he needed to feast his eyes on her again. The swell of her upturned breasts, the flare of her hips, her long legs, and the juncture between her thighs. He wanted to memorize every curve of her body.

  Slowly, seductively, she lifted the hem of her shirt, giving him a glimpse of her tanned skin. Higher, he could now see the swell of her under breasts. Damon held his breath in anticipation when she finally pulled the shirt over her head. Her nipples strained toward him as she stood clad in her jeans only.

  “Keep going,” he said, keeping his hands to his side, despite the extreme urge to touch her. He wanted to watch and she was taking her sweet ass time. She undid the button of her jeans. Her arms pushed her breasts together as she unzipped them and again, with snail-like movements, shimmied them down her hips, stopping for a few seconds when they were mere inches from uncovering her sex.

  A low growl resonated from his throat and Kim smiled before finally continuing.

  God, she has the most beautiful pussy.

  He watched hungrily as her jeans finally fell to the floor and she stepped out of them. His cock begged to be set free but he held onto his last remnants of control.

  “Your turn,” she said, standing like a goddess in front of him. She ran her hands up her abdomen and cupped her breasts, running her thumbs over the buds. A low moan escaped her throat. Damon grabbed a condom out of his wallet before ripping off his clothes in record time. He stood naked as well, his cock like a flag pole between them. He couldn’t wait to bury
himself inside her.

  With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Kim traced her finger across one engorged nipple, then down the centre of her chest, circling her belly button before finally sliding down her folds. She ran her fingers up and down, her mouth parted, her breathing shallow.

  Damon followed her every move as her fingers toyed with her clit. His cock hardened even more if that was possible. She was so fucking sexy. He was torn between wanting to watch her bring herself to orgasm and fucking her hard till she came around his cock.

  Her fingers slid easily between her folds and her pussy glistened. “You look ready for me. So wet,” he murmured, taking a step closer.

  He gently pushed her back on the bed and positioned himself between her legs, supported by his elbows so as not to crush her under his weight. His cock nestled right where he wanted, at her entrance. He couldn’t wait. This was going to be hard and fast. His balls were heavy and ached with need.

  She wrapped her legs around him in invitation, pulling him in so the head of his cock was wrapped in her wet warmth. Damon groaned and pushed into her, burying himself deep in one hard, swift motion. Lacey cried out and clenched her legs tighter around him.

  “You feel so good.” He groaned, thrusting into her again.

  He tried to take it slow, but Kim thrashed on the bed, begging.

  “Fuck me, Damon. Hard.”

  His lips crushed hers in a bruising kiss as he fucked her. He slammed his cock into her again and again, hard and fast.

  Kim arched her hips, meeting his thrusts as their tongues danced. Soon, she was panting, and they were both covered in a sheen layer of perspiration. Her cries increased in intensity and Damon felt both her legs and pussy tighten.

  “That’s right, babe. I want to feel you come on my cock,” he whispered in her ear before wrapping his arms around her and slamming into her again. Kim cried out, her nails raking up his back as she exploded around him.

  Feeling her constrict around him, Damon couldn’t hold back any longer. He buried himself as deep as he could inside her as his own release erupted from him like a volcano. With a groan, he collapsed next to her, and pulled Kim on top of him. His body completely spent, he took deep breaths, inhaling the scent of berries in her hair.