Revenge & More Page 4
Kim sat at her computer in the back room, her thoughts still consumed with Damon and the previous night. In fact, the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. He’d wormed his way into her heart once—only to break it, like everyone had warned her. She’d been devastated and it had taken a long time to get over him. Yet, a couple hours of being around him and she was begging for it. Her cheeks flamed again at the memory of gyrating her clit against his erection—so very close to coming.
Kim dropped her head onto the hard wood surface and cursed, praying Damon wasn’t serious about wanting her or being in touch because she feared her reaction to him and whether she had the resolve not to make a fool of herself again.
She looked up at the sound of the front door opening.
“Hello?” Lacey’s voice came from the other room.
“Back here,” she hollered.
Lacey strode in, holding her own cup of coffee, her eyes full of concern. “How are you this morning? I know you texted you were fine and would open the store but I was still worried.”
Kim forced a bright smile at her friend. “I’m fine. Just a stupid headache that ruined it. How was the rest of your night?”
“You don’t look fine. In fact, you look like shit,” Lacey replied, coming closer. Kim stood and shuffled some papers on the desk, avoiding Lacey’s close scrutiny.
“Gee, thanks.” She really needed to invest in a new concealer.
Lacey chuckled. “Don’t worry, you’re still hot, but you do seem tired. You sure you’re okay? I can handle the store today if you need to rest.”
The last thing Kim needed was to sit around all day thinking of Damon, on edge, wondering when he might pop back into her life. “No, really. I’m fine. But thanks, Lace.”
She shut down the computer and checked her watch. Still twenty minutes before opening time. Lacey fidgeted from one foot to the other and Kim saw the questions burning in her eyes.
“So?” she finally said.
“So what?” Kim asked, deciding to play dumb, even though she knew exactly what Lacey wanted to talk about.
“Come on, Kim. Seriously. I’m dying here. What’s the story with this Damon guy?”
She took a sip of her coffee and grimaced. Damn, Maggie, had forgotten the sweetener. “I told you, just someone I used to know from home.”
“An ex-boyfriend?” Lacey sat down on the chair across the desk, not letting the subject go.
“Yes, but it ended a long time ago.” Kim waved her hand dismissively, doing her best to act nonchalant.
“Tell him that,” Lacey muttered. “He seemed pretty into you last night. You were both the talk of the table after you left.”
Kim’s head snapped up. “What do you mean?”
“How well do you know this Damon guy?” Lacey asked.
“Not well, at least not anymore. I thought I knew him good once but even then, I don’t think I really did,” she replied softly.
“Um, you know Black Creek Homes, the beautiful subdivision backing onto the golf course that only the rich can afford?”
Kim nodded.
“Well, your ex, Damon Black, owns Black Creek Homes, subsidiary of Black Industries, which owns everything. Like everything, including the golf course and Beechfield Resort. Apparently it’s a multimillion dollar corporation that develops land and owns golf courses, resorts, and communities all across the country. Damon Black is Black Industries.”
Kim’s mouth gaped open as Lacey babbled. The Damon she remembered hated the corporate world. He’d worked for his uncle’s home renovation business, his only possessions the clothes on his back and his motorcycle.
Oh, and some expensive jewelry he’d stolen from her family.
“That’s why the sleazy lawyer was so disappointed when I returned and informed everyone that Damon had taken you home because you were unwell. He’s dying to get into business with him because he’s apparently stinking rich. Everyone kept peppering me with questions about you two.”
“What did you tell them?”
“Nothing. I mean, I had nothing you tell. You’ve never mentioned him,” Lacey replied with a hurt tone. “Anyway, it’s none of their damn business,” she continued before taking a sip of her coffee. “But I was worried about you. This Damon guy was intense and frankly intimidating.”
Lacey’s brows were drawn in distress. Kim tried to give her friend a reassuring smile as she processed the information. Damon Black, the young man with nothing except a huge chip on his shoulder that she’d fallen in love with years ago was now an incredibly successful and wealthy man. His words about always getting what he wanted came back to her and Kim shivered involuntarily.
“Kim, are you sure you’re okay?”
Blinking, Kim concentrated on Lacey. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about Damon. I can handle him. I made it clear last night that our past is exactly that. Ancient history.”
Lacey chewed on her bottom lip. “It’s just that, well, he’s, um…”
“What?” Kim demanded as Lacey’s eyes slid away nervously.
“He’s so different from the guys I’ve seen you date. Not the type I’d think you were attracted to.”
“First of all, I’m not attracted to him and second, I didn’t realize I had a type,” Kim replied.
Lacey continued to fidget, opening and closing her mouth.
“Sweet Jesus, Lace, spit it out.”
“Don’t get mad.” Lacey’s lips curved into a frown. “Normally, the guys you date are well, frankly, while gorgeous are easily controlled and not exactly relationship material.”
Kim raised her eyebrows, waiting for Lacey to continue.
“I’ve never seen anyone get under your skin or produce such a reaction from you. Plus you never date anyone for long before you’re bored. Which is why I always tease you about picking the wrong guys. Secretly I’ve always wondered if you pick them purposely because it won’t go anywhere and that’s exactly what you want.”
“Oh geez, Lace, don’t get all Dr. Phil on me. So I’m attracted to men who take care of themselves physically and yes, I like having the upper hand, but don’t mistake my reaction as you say to Damon as anything more than a surprise.”
Kim fiddled with the lid on her coffee cup before continuing. “I’m well aware that most of them aren’t relationship material but that’s because I’m not looking for a relationship. I’m not like you. I’m glad you found the love of your life and all that crap but that’s not me. I don’t want a lifetime with someone…just a good time.”
Lacey raised her eyebrows, disbelief spread across her features. It was a conversation they’d joked about before but never seriously talked about. “I only want you to be happy.”
Kim smiled. “I know you do, and I am. I don’t need to be married or in a relationship to be happy,” she said gently.
Lacey nodded and then grinned. “True, I was kinda hoping you would soon and then the four of us can have game nights and double date stuff.”
Kim threw back her head and laughed at that image.
“What? It could be fun,” Lacey replied in a miffed tone.
“I have no doubt it would be a blast, honey. I’ll make that an important must in the next guy I date. Must love game nights.”
“Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Especially game nights that require getting naked,” Lacey said with a laugh.
“Oh, now I am intrigued. Are we talking strip poker?”
“Forget it,” Lacey said, her face pink. “You’re not invited to game night anymore.”
They both laughed and Kim put her arm around Lacey. “You’re a good friend, Lace. But don’t worry about me and Damon or any guy. I’m happy and right where I want to be in life. Now, come on, let’s get to work. Time to open up.”
Lacey put a hand on her arm as she moved away. “Okay, but be careful. I’ve never seen a man get you flustered before and I get the feeling that Damon gets whatever he wants and stops at nothing to get it. And from the way he
was looking at you last night, you are what he wants.”
Kim’s heart raced in her chest at Lacey’s words. Damon’s exact words from the night before. She pasted a cheery smile on her face. “Ditto, Lace. You’re forgetting how I usually get what I want as well, which isn’t him. So stop worrying.”
Lacey smiled in return and together, they went about opening the store. As Kim unlocked the front door and moved the sign to open, her stomach turned nervously. She hoped her friend was wrong and that Damon would leave her alone. Because while she talked a good talk about not wanting him, deep down, she knew she was lying to both her friend and herself.
She didn’t have long to stew over it as the morning flew by. Customer after customer strolled into the store, keeping both of them occupied. Her stomach growled hungrily and Kim glanced at her watch noticing it was after lunch. She had just finished up with one client and Lacey was helping the only other customer in the store.
Kim tried to grab her attention to discreetly ask her if she wanted a bite to eat when the door chimed again. Lunch would have to wait. A young man walked in carrying a large white box.
“I have a delivery for Kim Morrison,” he said, his gaze moving from her to the lingerie surrounding him. Kim had to hold back a laugh seeing the awe in his eyes.
“That’s me.”
He held a pad of paper toward her, his cheeks red. He was pretty cute. Young, but cute nonetheless. “Can you, um, sign here please.”
Kim stepped a little closer to him. “Right here,” she asked in a breathless voice. His eyes widened before dropping to her cleavage. She wore a white blouse today with a few buttons undone giving him a generous view this close.
She loved toying with men. Flirting. Especially an attractive, young man. She was after all, still looking for her next distraction. Sex with a hot guy should certainly wipe Damon from her thoughts. She tapped the pen against the pad and his gaze guiltily strode back to her face.
“Sorry, what was that?”
“Nothing,” she replied and moved away, signing her name in a flourish. Nothing. Not even a tingling in her nipples. Annoyed, Kim passed him back his pen and paper and took the box. His hand brushed hers and he stood awkwardly, waiting.
“Thank you,” she said with a pointed glance toward the door. The young man almost tripped in his haste to exit the store.
“You are so bad,” said Lacey from the counter. Kim turned around, noticing the customer was gone.
“What?” she asked innocently.
“That poor guy.” Lacey smiled and shook her head. “It’s like watching a lioness play with her prey before she eats it.”
Kim flashed a smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Sure, you don’t. But let’s pretend for a second that you do. Why ever did you let that juicy prey go?”
Kim laughed and walked closer to Lacey, lowering her voice. “He was pretty hot, wasn’t he?” No sense hiding her true self from her best friend. “I think I just set a new record. Took me all of three seconds to get bored.”
They both giggled before Lacey got that gleam in her eyes. The one Kim didn’t like, which usually meant she was concocting some hair-brained idea.
“Maybe it’s because you’re bored of these young guys who worship you. Perhaps an older, more experienced man would hold your attention longer?”
Immediately Damon came to mind. Kim fixed Lacey with a glare, knowing full well that was her intention. “Nope, not my style. Only room for one boss in the bedroom or out.”
“Maybe your style is changing.” Lacey smiled and before Kim got in a snit, she pulled the box on the counter closer. “What’s this?”
Kim finally took in the delivery and frowned. It was addressed to her and looked suspiciously like a box that contained flowers. She opened it slowly, almost reluctantly.
At least two dozen beautiful long stemmed red roses were inside and a small card nestled on top. Aware of Lacey starring at her, Kim quickly opened the card.
Dinner tonight. Pick you up at 8PM.
I know I said slow this time but I promise it won’t be that slow.
Kim’s heartbeat accelerated and she reread it again. God, the man was infuriating. Arrogant and demanding. What part of she didn’t want to see him again did he not understand. She crumbled the card in her hand and looked up at Lacey.
“I guess you didn’t quite handle it,” she said.
“Nope. But I will. Can you take care of things here for a while?”
“Sure, but wait. You have a look in your eye that worries me. What are you going to do?”
“Make myself a little clearer,” Kim replied, shoving the lid on the flowers and scooping them up under her arm. Oh yes, she would make herself loud and clear this time.
* * * *
Damon sat at the desk, papers strewn around messily. He glanced at his watch again noting with irritation only ten more minutes had passed since he last looked at it. He was anxious for news on the meeting. The one his Vice President of Acquisitions Mark Dasilva was currently attending. This would be the acquisition he’d waited years for. While not the most profitable, it would bring the most satisfaction.
The phone rang, jarring him from his thoughts.
“Yes,” he barked into the receiver.
“Mr. Black,” a nervous female voice said on the other line. “I’m sorry to disturb you but there is a lady here demanding to see you. Kim Morrison. I haven’t confirmed you are here but she refuses to leave until she speaks with you.”
Damon’s scowl turned into a grin as he imagined the havoc Kim was causing at the check-in area of the resort. “Please have a staff member escort her here.”
“Yes, Mr. Black.”
He hung up the phone and quickly scooped up the papers he’d been studying. Couldn’t have Kim seeing these just yet. She must have received his flowers. Once everything was put away in his desk, he moved to the stocked bar and poured himself a drink as he waited. Beechfield Resort was a large place and it would take a bit for her to arrive. He always stayed in one of the condominium suites farthest away from the centre of the resort for privacy.
Although Beechfield was his favorite resort among the many he owned, he didn’t get to spend as much time here as he would have liked. But then he’d been too busy, always working. Perhaps that would change soon.
A loud, impatient knock sounded at the door and Damon let out a soft chuckle. He purposely took another swallow of his drink, taking his time answering. Another pounding ensued before he walked over to it.
Damon opened the door and Kim stood scowling at him with one hand on her hip and the other grasping a white box, probably his flowers. Her eyes flashed threateningly. God, she was beautiful when angry. Her long, blonde hair was windblown and her cheeks pink from either the sun or her anger. Her eyes seem to be even bluer, like the travel pictures you saw of blue-turquoise waters. She wore high-waisted black pants, which only made her legs look longer.
She thrust the box that had been under her arm toward him. “Keep your stupid flowers. Apparently I wasn’t clear last night so I’m going to make myself clearer…”
Damon didn’t wait for her to finish before he hauled her inside and closed the door.
“What are you doing?” she demanded.
“If you’re going to yell and scream like a lunatic, I’d rather you did inside. This end of the resort is known for peace and quiet. I’m not sure the other guests would appreciate your shrieking voice.”
“I am not shrieking,” Kim yelled again in a high voice. Her face reddened and she bit down on her lip.
Damon said nothing as he watched her in amusement.
“Okay,” she replied in a much calmer voice. “I was perhaps mildly shouting but that’s it.”
He chuckled and moved over to the bar. “Can I get you a drink?”
“No,” she replied, her voice rising again. She took a few steps into the room, her face awash in frustration. She dropped the
box of flowers on the coffee table and faced him with both hands on her hips.
“Damn it, Damon. I told you last night that I wasn’t interested in seeing you again. What part of that didn’t you get?”
“All of it actually,” he replied and swallowed the remainder of his drink before coming closer. Kim took a step back, encountering the chair behind her.
“Explain to me why you are resistant to a simple dinner. We had a good thing once, Kim. A very good thing if I remember correctly. Why are you fighting so hard?”
Damon stood directly in front of her now. He was so close that the fragrance of her perfume filled his nostrils. He breathed in deeply, his hands itching to touch her.
“I think your memories are different than mine. I do recall you leaving town with thousands of dollars of my parents’ jewelry and never looking back.”
A blaze of fury ripped through him which he quickly tried to mask. “Oh, I looked back, only to read about your engagement. Which shouldn’t have surprised me given your fiancé, Robert, was Mommy and Daddy’s darling. I’m curious. Why didn’t you grant your parents’ wish and make Robert their son in law?”
Her eyes narrowed. “That’s none of your business. This conversation is over. Just get this through your thick skull. I’m not interested in you nor will I ever be. Thieving, lying scum do not interest me.”
She turned to move away from him and Damon did the only thing he could think of to keep her here. Not to mention the only thing he’d been thinking about since she walked in the door. He snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her up to his chest. Hard. His blood boiled from her scathing comments. While discipline was normally something he never struggled with, he was losing the battle today. He wanted to both throttle her and fuck her. Although fucking her was probably higher on his list judging from his cock’s reaction. Passion and anger combined was a dangerous thing.
Her eyes widened in alarm before landing on his mouth. She stared at his lips and he saw the desire at war with her rage.