Revenge & More Page 5
They’d always been explosive together.
Damon barely held back a growl as his lips touched hers. It wasn’t teasing and coaxing. It was urgent and demanding. Yet, he felt her resistance. She wasn’t fighting him but she hadn’t given in to her desire either. Damon pulled her closer. Her softness against his hardness, specifically his rock-hard cock. Fuck! His body had no restraint when she was close. He curled a finger around a tendril of hair, luxuriating in the silken feel. He imagined other soft, silky parts wrapped around him and his cock jerked in response against her stomach.
A small gasp escaped her lips and Damon seized the opportunity. His tongue demanded entry into her mouth. As he deepened the kiss, her resistance melted away. She sighed before kissing him back with the same urgency. Her body, at first stiff in his arms, became pliant and pressed against him. With a low groan, Damon picked her up and turned so he was perched on the arm of the chair and Kim straddled his body, her legs around his waist.
She gave a squeak of protest but he delved deeper into her mouth with his tongue and arched his erection against her.
Kim moaned softly as his shaft rubbed her clit. Driven by need, she wrapped her arms around his neck and rocked her hips, seeking friction. All reasoning lost, trapped in a vortex of pleasure and stimulation. She wanted to devour him, taste every inch of him, and explore every part of his body. She kneaded her fingers in his hair and gave a small pull before moving them lower, exploring the muscled plains of his back. His scent enveloped of her, a mixture of spice and sandalwood. Another gasp escaped her as Damon gripped her buttocks and thrust his hips upward, sending jolts of desire to her pussy and rock-hard nipples. She sucked at his tongue, tasting the smokiness of the Scotch he’d drunk. Every cell in her body was on fire.
Too much clothes. She needed to feel his skin under her fingertips. Kim frantically worked the buttons of his shirt and vaguely heard Damon’s soft chuckle. Impatience filled her and she pulled at his shirt instead, sending the small buttons flying. His chuckle turned into a groan as her hands found the smooth skin of his chest and brushed across his nipples.
She was torn between wanting to keep devouring him or pull away and admire his muscled chest. Damon made the decision for her when he let go of her lips briefly.
He kept one hand around her waist so she wouldn’t fall from his lap and pulled her own blouse apart, sending more buttons flying. His gaze took in the white lace that covered her breasts before he leaned forward, flicking his tongue across the material where her nipple visibly poked through it. Kim arched her back into his waiting mouth, her breathing ragged.
Oh fuck.
He continued to torture the small bud while she gyrated against him. She held onto his head for dear life as he moved to the other nipple, rocking against his thick shaft. She imagined them in this position completely naked, his hard cock impaling her as she rode him. A whimper tore from her throat.
“Damon, please.”
He pushed his hips upward while pressing her down against him and Kim’s body trembled uncontrollably. “Please what?”
Still holding her with one hand he used the other to brush against her distended nipple and captured her lips in another searing kiss.
“Please what?” he repeated.
“I need you,” she gasped as he pinched and tweaked the bud. “Inside me. Now.”
Damon stood, still holding her in his arms, her legs wrapped around him, and moved toward the couch. Kim’s entire body ached. Her panties damp with need.
The jarring sound of the phone rang loudly next to them and Damon cursed. He looked at the offending object and then back to her, his eyes still dark with desire. He gently put her down on the couch and kissed her, leaving her breathless.
Then he was gone.
“Yes,” he snarled into the phone. His hungry gaze stayed locked on her as he listened to the voice on the other end of the line. She moved to sit up but he shook his head at her.
Kim watched the muscles move in his chest as he motioned for her to remain on the couch. Her eyes travelled lower to his rock hard abs. Geez, the man was chiseled. He was incredibly sexy standing there, his shirt open, the outline of his cock visible through his pants. Her mouth watered remembering his size and how he could reduce her to a quivering mess.
Guiltily, she looked up but he was no longer watching her.
“I guess you need to be more convincing,” he said in soft yet dangerous voice. He ran his free hand through his hair and it spiked up messily. “I wanted this done, today,” he continued in cold, clipped tones.
He listened some more before uttering a curse. “Make it happen, by any means necessary.” His gaze found Kim’s as he uttered the last words and she shivered at the power emanating from him. Power and anger. The call had not made him happy. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She had the strangest sensation he was talking about her. This was a Damon she didn’t know. She sat up quickly and pulled her blouse closed with her hands.
“Call me later with an update.” He hung up the phone, striding to the bar and poured some amber liquid into a glass.
“Care for a drink?” he asked, not looking at her. He clutched the glass in his hand, the muscles in his arms bulging before bringing it to his lips and swallowing the contents. It was as if the last few minutes hadn’t even happened. Like he hadn’t been about to fuck her senseless.
Kim stood on shaky legs and clenched her blouse, her face hot with both embarrassment and hurt. He’d once again managed to reduce her to a begging harlot in minutes only to stop. He was toying with her and she’d fallen for it…twice. Resentment and humiliation filled her. Still holding her blouse together, she grabbed her purse and walked to the door.
“Kim, wait.” Damon put his glass down and came closer. “I’m sorry we didn’t get to finish what we started. Tonight I’ll make sure we aren’t interrupted.”
The nerve of the man.
“No, Damon. You won’t see me tonight. This was a momentary lapse in judgment but it won’t happen again.” She lifted her head high despite the fact that mortification burned through her and she had to hold her blouse closed.
Damon glanced down at her hands, grasping at her shirt. “You can’t go out like that.” He scowled and opened the closet by the front door, pulling out a soft gray sweater. “Here, it will be way too big on you but it will at least cover you up.”
Reluctantly Kim took the sweater from him. He was right. She couldn’t get around the resort back to her car holding her shirt closed. As she wrapped the sweater around her, her blouse gaped open and Damon’s eyes darkened, his frown deepening.
She quickly donned the sweater and zipped it up. “Thanks. I’ll have it returned to you.” She grabbed the door handle and swung it open before taking one last look at Damon. He stood watching her intently, his own shirt hanging open. Her eyes raked over his chest and lean stomach once more, as if memorizing this moment before returning to his beautifully chiseled face.
She let out a soft sigh. “Good bye, Damon.”
She never heard his reply as she walked out the door and let it close behind her. As soon as it did, her shoulders slumped and tears pricked her eyes. What was wrong with her? How could she almost have sex with a man who had lied and stolen from her? Not once, but twice. There was no way she could let Damon back into her life. She obviously had no self-control around him and she hated not having the upper hand. Kim was always the dominant one in a relationship. Men fell at her feet, doing what she wanted. But with Damon, she was the one begging and pleading for a morsel of his touch.
She did not like the woman she was around him.
Fresh tears stung her eyes as she looked down at herself. Not only had she left the buttons of her blouse there, she’d left her pride and dignity. She wiped angrily at her wet eyes.
Get it together Kim. You will not be seeing him again.
A strange hollowness filled her at that thought and she groaned out loud. A woman walking by looked at her strangely
and strode quickly away. Kim laughed a little hysterically at the image she must have presented.
She knew she couldn’t see him again yet here she was, actually disappointed that he’d let her leave. That he hadn’t grabbed her and finished what they’d started. Christ! Less than twenty-four hours ago, her life was in complete control. But Damon coming back created completed chaos.
Chapter Three
Damon arrived at Kim’s promptly at seven and knocked on the door. He tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for it to open. The afternoon had not gone smoothly but he would rectify that. He’d barely gotten any work done after she’d left. Hard to concentrate when his body ached with need since he could do nothing but keep picturing her naked beneath him.
He’d finally given up working and debated dealing with his raging hard-on himself or hit the gym and work out his frustrations. He decided on exercise to clear his mind. He’d rather wait until tonight…for the real thing rather than jerk off to a fantasy of her.
Damon clenched his fist and knocked again—loudly.
He was the epitome of control in business. It was his trademark. No one could read him and he always kept his emotions in check. But damn Kim, she made him react without thinking. Even now, his emotions were taking over and he was ready to beat the fucking door down.
From the moment their lips met today, it was all he could do not to rip her clothes off and take her. It would have been hard and fast the first time but then he’d make up for his haste the second time. Fuck! His cock throbbed again just thinking about her.
Where the hell was she? He rang the doorbell and ran his hands through his hair. Damon didn’t take no for an answer nor was he used to people ignoring his instructions. They’d been interrupted today by that phone call but tonight he would make sure there were no interruptions.
The call hadn’t delivered the good news he was anxious to hear. Apparently, his latest target wasn’t as anxious to sell as Damon had hoped. But since this deal was instrumental in his plan, he made it clear to Mark that no wasn’t an answer they could accept.
Damon tried to peek through the side window but the house was in complete darkness. Her car wasn’t in the driveway either but he thought maybe she kept it in the garage. She wanted to play that game, did she?
He walked to his car, looking back at the house. There was no movement that he could detect inside. He knew she wasn’t going to be easy to get back into his life but he didn’t give up.
Damon got in the driver’s seat and pulled out the file from his glove compartment. He went through the papers and looked at the different pictures. There were several pictures of Kim at Flanagan’s, the pub in the resort village as well as a place called The Blue Shore. These must be her hangout spots. He closed the file and put it away. He’d find her. He’d check her work then the two pubs. If he still hadn’t found her, he’d come here and wait patiently for her to get home. She had no idea who was she was dealing with.
* * * *
Kim sat on a stool at the bar, sipping her drink, and listening to the music of the band. Her eyes focused on Derek, the lead singer. His gaze found hers and he winked. Kim smiled back provocatively.
She loved listening to Derek’s band and they performed regularly at the Blue Shore. Of course, it didn’t hurt that Derek was hot as hell with a voice that send shivers down her spine. They’d been lovers once, when she’d first met him, but it hadn’t lasted long. She knew that was her doing. She never kept a man in her life very long. Certainly not long enough to call someone an ex-boyfriend or anything.
Except Damon.
Damn it! Why did she have to think of him when she was here to get him the fuck out of her head. While she and Derek weren’t lovers anymore, Kim was hoping to change that. Normally not one to circle back to a guy she’d slept with, she figured a second sampling might be in order. A little wine and some awesome sex was exactly what she needed to forget Damon Black. Only here she was, more than a few drinks later, slightly drunk and still thinking of Damon instead of the sex on a stick, Derek, right in front of her. Who by the way, kept winking at her and eye-fucking her.
After she left Damon’s earlier, she called Lace who told her she had everything under control at the store. So she went home and did some gardening and housework to get him out of her head. No such luck! She yanked out one of her nicest plants trying to weed and broke a vase in the house dusting.
New plan. After a quick shower, she threw on some jeans and a tank top and went for some retail therapy. She bought way more crap than she needed and rather than go home, in case Damon actually did have the balls to show up at seven, she went to the Blue Shore to have a drink and if all went well, take Derek home. Some hot, wild sex—an orgasm or two was just what the doctor ordered to erase Damon from her mind.
She tossed back the rest of her vodka and tonic and motioned for another from the bartender. Her gaze went to Derek again as he sang into the microphone, looking straight toward her. She waited to feel the familiar surge of excitement through her veins that she got when she was attracted to someone.
The bartender placed her drink in front of her and Kim picked it up and sipped it, her eyes still on Derek. She toyed with the straw in her mouth and watched Derek’s eyes darken and a naughty smile form on his face.
Still nothing. Kim sighed as she put her drink back on the bar. Oh, Derek was definitely attractive and a bad boy type which usually set her pulses racing. Not to mention she normally got a thrill from flirting and the back and forth sexual banter. But tonight, she might as well be dead.
Unless of course, she conjured up images of Damon. Then her libido went racing.
No way, no how! She’d just try harder with Derek. Concentrate Kim, she told herself. She smiled and licked her lips suggestively at him. Derek responded with another sultry smile and wink.
A bubble of laughter rose but she held it back. Maybe more vodka would help put her in the mood. She turned away and took another large gulp of her drink before swiveling back around toward Derek.
Kim blinked, sure she was imagining things or had one too many vodkas.
Damon stood directly in front of her, scowling, his eyes almost black.
Shit! How did he find her? Kim sat up straighter and gave him a scathing look. “Excuse me but you’re blocking my view.”
She swore she heard a low growl before he schooled his features and leaned closer. “You seem to have lost track of time. I went to pick you up at seven.”
“I’m well aware what time it is,” Kim replied, even though in truth she had no idea how long she’d been sitting here drinking, staring at Derek. “I told you, I have no interest in seeing you again. Now if you will excuse me.”
Since he didn’t appear to have any intention of moving, Kim stood up, determined to get away from him. Only once she stood, the room swayed slightly and she grasped the bar for support.
“You’re drunk,” Damon hissed.
“So what? You’re an asshole,” she replied and poked her finger at his chest.
Damon took a long, deep breath to calm his anger. From the moment he’d walked into the bar, his last stop in looking for Kim, and saw her sitting there making come-fuck-me faces to the damn singer, he saw red. The musician was undressing Kim with his eyes and Damon had no doubt if he hadn’t found her that the shithead would have done everything in his power to get in Kim’s pants tonight.
And she didn’t look like she would put up much of a fight. The image of the two of them having sex almost unhinged him and it took all his control not to run up on stage and beat this guy till he oozed blood. Through his haze of fury, the rational side of his brain that was just barely working at this moment was puzzled by his reaction since he was not normally a jealous man.
“Yeah, well, this asshole is taking you home before you do something you’ll regret. Let’s go.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you,” she replied and let go of the bar to move past him. Damon was abo
ut to grab her and steer her toward the door when she swayed on her feet and fell into him. He caught her against his chest and held her firmly.
Kim sank against him and he heard her sigh. After a few seconds, she tilted her head back and looked up at him. “Okay, you’re right. I may have had a few too many drinks.”
Damon smoothed the hair from her face. “Let me take you home.” He held her close with one arm and fished out his wallet. He grabbed some bills and threw them on the bar, making eye contact with the bartender. “Are we good?” he asked.
The bartender scooped up the money. “Oh yeah,” he replied, eyeing the stack of bills.
He put his wallet back and steered Kim away from the bar, keeping a firm hold on her. While she was fairly tall, he still towered over her and she felt small in his arms. He was glad he’d found her. Especially in her drunken state, and with the vibes coming from this musician.
“Kim, babe. Where you going?” The object of his dark thoughts came and stood right in front of them, staring at Damon with a “hands off my property” look.
“Kim is going home,” he replied, fixing the idiot with a deadly stare.
That’s right, buddy. I’m kinda itching for a fight so just try me.
The singer hesitated, glancing at Damon uncertainly. He seemed to want to say more but another glance at his murderous expression must have convinced him otherwise. He muttered something and then strode away.
“You scared off Derek,” Kim slurred. “I needed him.”
Damon steered her out of the busy bar and once they were finally outside, he breathed in the warm night air and inhaled the scent of Kim’s shampoo, still holding her close.
“For what?”
She looked up at him, her eyes glassy. Oh, she’d definitely had one too many. She put her fingertip to his lips. “To make me come,” she replied like she was talking about the weather.
Damon pulled her closer, ready to explode. On one hand, her words had his cock springing to attention. On the other hand, he wanted to choke her and then go back into the bar and choke that fucking sleaze bag. He fought to regain control of his emotions which wasn’t easy with Kim wiggling around against him.